Paper/Abstract Submission

Paper/Abstract Submission

Aspiring contributors can participate in an intellectual exchange by submitting their original research papers or abstracts for the conference. The submission process ensures a comprehensive evaluation, encouraging high-quality contributions that align with the conference theme and objectives. Authors are invited to share their innovative insights, findings, and methodologies, contributing to the diverse discourse on AI and its transformative impact. The submission portal provides a user-friendly interface, guiding authors through the process, and ensuring a seamless submission experience. Accepted papers and abstracts will be part of the conference proceedings, offering contributors a platform to showcase their research on the global stage.

Paper Submission

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IFERP Scholarship Program

Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP), we are committed to fostering knowledge dissemination, fostering scholarly excellence, and fostering the professional development of our members. We firmly believe that access to our conferences and engagement in the global academic community should be inclusive and equitable. In line with this ethos, we have initiated a scholarship program designed to alleviate financial constraints for scholars, researchers, and students across the globe. Our Scholarship Program for conference registration fees underscores our dedication to making this vision a tangible opportunity for all.