What are steps to submit paper in Google Scholar journal 2025

June 2, 2020
2025 Scopus Indexed Journals, 2025 Upcoming International Conference
The Significance Of A&I Services To The Academic Community
- Today, almost all information finding is carried out online, which is why it has become a necessity for researchers and academics to make their research work available online for search engines to be able to pick them up and display them as part of their search results.
- The majority of academics, students, scholars, and others, are completely dependent on A&I (abstracting and indexing) services to look for articles and journals that they are interested in.
- A well-recognized and reputable A&I service is highly sought after by academics because they can rest assured of the fact that the articles and journals found though these services are bound to be of the highest quality.
- These services also make it incredibly easy for academics to search for very specific research studies and topics that would otherwise take a lot of time to find manually.
- It is natural, therefore, for any researcher, academic, or scientist to want to have his/her research work published in an Engineering journal 2025 or publication indexed by a popular A&I service, that is relied upon widely by the global academic community.
- By utilizing abstracts and metadata, these A&I services are able to find and display the research papers, articles, publications, and other material, that someone is searching for.
- This metadata includes details such as the –
- title of the article,
- names of the author or authors,
- title of the journal,
- date of publication of the article/paper,
- subject,
- issue number or volume of the journal,
- page numbers, as well as,
- keywords.
- Based on the inputs of users, these A&I services display all relevant articles, papers, journals, and research material.
- In the case of an open-access publication, users can view the entire contents of the research paper that they are looking for, along with all other articles published by that particular journal.
- Otherwise, users will be required to subscribe or register in order to gain access and be able to view the article/journal that they were looking for, in its entirety.
- A&I services, therefore, are of great benefit to academics across the world, offering easier and faster access to a wide range of research work and material.
Google Scholar – One Of The Most Utilized A&I Services Out There Today!
- Google Scholar not only happens to be one of the most utilized A&I services in the world but also the most comprehensive of all A&I services in existence, today.
- More than half of all searchers for academic research material online is carried out using Google Scholar.
- The ease-of-use along with the incredible accessibility that Google Scholar offers to millions of open-index journals, articles, and scientific material, is what makes it so sought after.
- The highly advanced search algorithms that Google Scholar runs on, make it an excellent A&I service.
The Significance Of Google Scholar For Authors Specifically
- Owing to its immense popularity, it only makes sense for authors to submit the open-access versions of their research articles and papers to Google Scholar.
- There is no better way for a researcher to maximize the visibility of their research work and make them easily accessible by the masses worldwide, than submitting their papers to Google Scholar.
- It is important to note, however, that full-text articles (either PDF or HTML versions of groundbreaking scholarly studies and scientific material) are valued more by Google Scholar.
- Google Scholar gives precedence to full-text articles containing unique and profound research work and findings.

Submit Your Research Work To Google Scholar
- If you are someone who is keen on making your research work easily accessible to academics, students, educators, scientists, scholars, and researchers from all across the planet, then you should definitely submit paper in Google scholar journal.
- Detailed below are all the instructions that one has to follow in order to submit and have their work accepted by Google Scholar successfully.
- Creating A Profile On Google Scholar
- Any author wishing to submit their international journal Engineering research work and articles to Google Scholar must first have their own profile.
- To do this one has to visit the scholar.google.com website, select the ‘My Citations’ option visible on top of the web page.
- Upon clicking on this option, you will immediately get to know whether you have a profile on Google Scholar or not.
- In case you don’t have a profile, you can easily create one by –
- specifying your affiliations (if any),
- mentioning your areas of expertise and interest,
- entering the link(s) to your website(s),
- adding a profile image, and lastly,
- making your profile public so that it is visible to all.
- Once you’ve entered this information if you feel satisfied with the way your profile looks and the details it offers, you can move on to adding your research articles and papers.
- There are two ways in which one can add their research work to their profile.
- Depending on the number of articles that you wish to submit and hope to continue submitting in the future, you can choose either the first method or the second method, both of which are detailed below.
- Method 1
- One can opt for this method if they wish to add their research articles manually, one by one, as individual documents.
- All one has to do to add articles manually, is to –
- Firstly, choose the document type, which may be –
- a patent,
- a thesis,
- a book,
- chapter of a book,
- an issue of a journal,
- a conference article,
- a court case, etc.
- Secondly, provide specifics about the article itself including –
- its title,
- the name(s) of the author(s),
- the date of publication,
- the volume or issue number of the journal it was originally published in,
- the name of the publisher,
- the affiliated institution or organization which sponsored the research, etc.
- Lastly, on clicking the ‘Save’ option, the user is notified that their article was successfully added to their Google Scholar profile.
- Firstly, choose the document type, which may be –
- Method 2
- One an opt for the second method if they wish to submit an entire website containing a number of their research articles and work.
- This option is more suitable for career academics and researchers whose entire profession is based on carrying out and participating in various research ventures within their subject(s) of specialization.
- In order to successfully add a website to their Google Scholar profile, all one has to do is –
- Firstly, pick the sort of website that they wish to submit, which may be a personal publication or otherwise;
- Secondly, check all the boxes that are applicable to them, which might include the option ‘My Inclusion Request Is For My Personal Publications’;
- Thirdly, entire in all the necessary details about the webpage that is being added; and,
- Lastly, include a couple of example articles the sort of which may be found on the website that is being added to the profile. This includes one or more PDF documents;
- Then, upon clicking on the ‘Submit’ option, a message stating that the website was submitted for consideration pops up.
- This message states that the submitted website will be scrutinized by Google’s crawl team, which will verify the contents of the website for –
- its originality,
- the significance of the findings obtained,
- the ingenuity of the research methods employed,
- the profoundness of the conclusions thereof, and more.
- In the event that the crawl team finds the contents of the submitted website to meet all of the above criteria, the website and the articles therein can be expected to appear on Google Scholar’s search results in a matter of four to six weeks.
- Owing to the fact that the indexing process often takes a while, it is important that researchers anxiously waiting for their articles and websites to be added to Google Scholar, wait patiently.
- Users also receive emails to their registered accounts stating that their articles/websites have been added successfully.
- One important suggestion for all researchers is to follow their own profiles on Google Scholar.
- This can be done by –
- visiting their own profiles,
- choosing the ‘Follow’ option on the top right corner,
- entering a valid email address, and
- clicking on the ‘Submit’ option.
- By doing this, users can receive alerts every time an article is added to their Google Scholar profiles, or their work has been cited.
Are Google Scholar Citations Higher Than Scopus, Web of Science, Etc?
- It is for certain that researchers are likely to receive more citations of the work by adding their research articles and papers to their Google Scholar profiles that any other popular A&I service including Web Of Science, Scopus, etc.
- However, it is worth noting that the quality of the citations is not verifiable in this case because of the fact that Google Scholar does not offer any details on the sources that it is searching in order to discover all existing citations of one’s research articles and papers.
- This implies that one cannot always be sure that these citations have their origins in peer-reviewed literature or personal websites and unregistered sources.
- To gather information about all possible citations, Google Scholar searches through –
- list of Google scholar journal,
- research reports posted online,
- slides and presentations available online,
- undergraduate essays and theses, as well as numerous other sources.
- Google Scholar also does not display citations from works that were done a long time ago and haven’t yet been digitalized.
- Google Scholar is nevertheless better than most other subscription-based bibliographic databases in that it offers a more comprehensive view of all citations from books and ebooks.
- This is quite advantageous to researchers who don’t typically publish their research articles and papers in scientific journals but as books.
- These direct comparisons of Google Scholar with other popular A&I services such as Scopus, ISI, Web Of Science, etc, however, have to be taken with a grain of salt, seeing that the results are different for different disciplines.
- For instance, academics and researchers specializing in the Sciences will find that Google Scholar is better than Scopus but not better than ISI (except in the case of a few disciplines such as Computer Science).
- Those researchers involved in the humanities and social sciences will find that Google Scholar is better than ISI but not Scopus.
- Albeit, the general consensus is that Google Scholar, as a matter of fact, offers considerably higher citation counts than all other popular A&I services.
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