How to publish paper in UGC approved journal
January 3, 2023
What Makes UGC Indexed Journals So Highly Sought After?
- UGC is one amongst the most well-recognized journal indexing databases in the globe, today, aside from other popular indexing databases such as Scopus, Web Of Science, ISI, etc.
- Researchers are constantly in the pursuit of journals that are capable of spreading the word about their research work to the widest corners of the Earth, making their groundbreaking research findings, profound conclusions, and pioneering outcomes, known to the millions of academics spread across the planet.
- One of the most important reasons for this is that getting a research paper or article published in a globally-reputed journal or publication is perhaps the easiest and simplest way for a researcher to make his/her work known to the masses.
- In order to do this, however, researchers are required to undertake credible research work, wherein –
- all the findings obtained are completely unique and genuine,
- the research methodologies involved are profound,
- the research topic is of significance not just to the discipline, but also to the way human’s lead their lives,
- the scope for exploration that it offers, etc.
- However, it is not always the case that researchers who undertake the highest quality of research get chosen to have their articles and papers published in top tier journals and publications that are indexed by databases such as UGC.
- This is where knowledge of the publication process and awareness of how the publication process in an international journal UGC typically works.
- UGC journals are highly sought after by researchers, academics, scientists, scholars, students, educators carrying out research work, as well as numerous other professionals engaged in conducting research work (such as R&D experts who work for top industries and corporations) because of the fact that publication in such journals is guaranteed to –
- give them the recognition that they deserve,
- allow academics and researchers across the academic community worldwide to get to know about their groundbreaking findings,
- pave the way to tons of lucrative career opportunities,
- make it possible for them to acquire the critical funding that is required to either carry out more in-depth research or undertake research activities into an entirely new research topic or phenomenon altogether.
How To Go About Getting Your Research Published In A UGC Journal
As stated above, all that is required for one to have their research work published in a UGC journal is a general awareness of the publication process that is followed by almost all journals and publications indexed by UGC.
Keeping all the steps detailed below should help anyone gain this essential awareness that is absolutely necessary to go about getting a research article or paper published successfully in a UGC approved journal.
- Undertaking The Best Research Work That You Possibly Can
- Researchers often wonder why they are not able to get their research articles and papers accepted by top UGC indexed journals for publication.
- More often than not the reason for this is that –
- their research is simply not interesting enough,
- their research does not hold any significance to the future of their field,
- the findings of their research do not hold any significance in terms of solving any modern-day challenges and dilemmas faced by humans in their day-to-day existence,
- the research work that they have carried out is unoriginal, inauthentic and completely plagiarized,
- the research methodologies that they have employed are nothing new, etc.
- When a researcher’s work exhibits all of these signs, it is evident to the officials of these top publishing companies and journals, that the researcher is –
- simply not interested in carrying out research,
- undertaking a research study just for the sake of it and not out of genuine curiosity,
- a fraud who utilized fraudulent practices to make illegitimate gains.
- The best way for a researcher to carry out the best research that they possibly can is to be completely immersed and thoroughly interested in undertaking research on a topic that they are passionate about.
- Finding The Best & Most Suitable UGC Journal Four Publication
- This step is another step that is often overlooked by researchers because of the misconception that getting a research article or paper published in any UGC journal is more than enough and is all that is needed to achieve success as a top research professional.
- This is however far from the fact of the matter as one cannot simply expect to witness success as a researcher whose work is highly regarded by the global academic community and is recognized as someone who undertakes groundbreaking research studies and ventures, by getting their research articles published in just about any UGC journal they wish to have their work published in.
- Choosing the right UGC journal requires careful thought and meticulous consideration to factors such as –
- the history of the journal and its significance to your discipline,
- the research of the journal and its reader base,
- the relevance of the sort of research work that the journal is typically known for publishing to your own research work,
- the process of publication followed by the journal,
- the brand of authors whose research work the research work normally publishes and whether you fit into this brand or not, etc.
- One of the above factors that might baffle you and that you might wonder why it merits consideration is – the publication process of the journal.
- Many people overlook the publication process of the journal and fail to find out –
- how easy the publication process followed by the journal is,
- how long it takes the journal to complete its verification and acceptance manuscripts,
- how long the journal typically takes to complete its peer review process,
- how long the journal takes to communicate that the journal has been accepted for publication, and
- lastly, how long it takes for the accepted research article (which was initially submitted as a manuscript for consideration) to be published in an upcoming issue or volume of the journal.
- Journals that have lengthy and highly complicated publication and reviewing process should be avoided like the plague as this will result in –
- the publication of your work getting delayed,
- your research work losing its value and significance as time goes by and new as well as better discoveries are being made,
- your existing work and timeline taking a massive hit, not to mention,
- the wastage of your precious time, money, and resources.
- Convincing The Journal Authorities To Publish Your Research Work
- Now that you’ve managed to settle on the right journal or publication that is indexed by UGC to have your research work published in, it is time for you to actually prepare a convincing application.
- Preparing a convincing application is all about demonstrating to the authorities (who are normally members of the journal’s editorial committee) in charge of vetting manuscripts and deeming them fit for publication in their prestigious journals that your research work is –
- completely authentic and original,
- of importance to your area of specialization,
- of significance to mankind in helping either completely alleviate or solve modern challenges, etc.
- Typically, the way researchers who wish to convince the authorities at the journals that they’re applying to, go about their application processes, is by –
- preparing a compelling cover letter,
- writing a thoroughly enthralling and intriguing abstract.
- While a cover letter is addressed directly to the officials of the editorial committee, an abstract only provides a gist of the research work that has been carried out in the most captivating manner possible.
- When preparing a cover letter, it is important to keep in mind to –
- prove your interest in carrying out research activities in your area of specialization,
- demonstrate your interest and passion for your discipline,
- make mention of your ambitions (which may be to become a world-renowned research author within your discipline),
- prove that your research work is of relevance to the journal and that it fits the brand of research work that the journal is typically known for publishing, etc.
- Following all the steps above is sure to help you prepare a compelling application, that will is guaranteed to have the authorities at the journal (which is indexed by the UGC journal indexing database) to accept your application and deem your research work fit for publication in their journal, in the form of an article, a paper, a report, or otherwise.
- Writing An Intriguing Research Article
- Although you may have been accepted by a world-renowned journal with a wide reach and a massive audience of subscribers and readers from all across the globe, this is not a guarantee that your research work will definitely be appreciated and you will become a well-known author and research professional who is respected by your colleagues.
- Many researchers begin taking it easy after they have been accepted by the journal of their choice.
- This, however, is the time to work even harder, by planning for, preparing, and writing as intriguing and engaging a research paper as you possibly can.
- In order to do this, you might want to –
- find out what makes for an interesting research article (this can be done by checking out multiple globally renowned journals and finding out how authors whose work has been published by these journals write their articles),
- determine what the style of writing followed by the UGC indexed journal that you have successfully applied to, is, and
- find out if there are any specific article formating, structuring and framing guidelines specified by the journal that you’ve been accepted by.
- By gathering all the intelligence above and aligning these insights with your own creative vision for your article, you are sure to be able to successfully write a thoroughly captivating and enthralling research article or paper guaranteed to have the audiences of the journal that is publishing your work, highly impressed by you and your work.
Whether you are an aspiring research author or are already an author who has had multiple articles published in multiple journals and haven’t quite been able to witness the sort of appreciation and recognition you hoped to achieve, you will find that following all the steps detailed above to a tee, will definitely stand you in good stead, in your research career, by making the process of finding, applying to, writing, paper submission in UGC journal, and getting a research paper published by a highly reputable UGC indexed journal, quite easily.
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