Best 2023 International conference with Scopus publications

July 16, 2021

upcoming conference 2023

When a research article or paper is presented at an international conference, it is usually incomplete. Normally what researchers do is that they present a preliminary analysis of their work to the conference and set aside the detailed analysis for the completed article. The entire purpose of presenting one’s research at an upcoming international conference in 2023 is to inform people about their area of research and to get feedback from them to improve their research methodology. It is therefore normal to develop an already published conference article into a full manuscript and publish it later in a journal. This is an acceptable practice, provided one has already clearly disclosed the conference article and has also included at least thirty percent new material in the journal article.

It is also acceptable to present one’s published work at an international conference. Nevertheless, in this scenario, it is usually considered good practice to cite one’s published article and offer a link at the end of the presentation if it is available online for people to read for themselves.

One can submit their conference abstract to the conference organizers and submit the full article to an SCI journal at around the same time. However, it is best to inform the editor and ask if it is acceptable to have the abstract published as part of the conference proceedings. If the journal editor does not agree to publish the abstract, one can still make their presentation, but they should let the conference organizers know that they do not want it to be part of the conference proceedings.

It is also good to present at the conference, write the article after the presentation, and then submit it to the journal. In fact, it might work better for some researchers, as they will be able to incorporate the comments they receive during the conference into their article.

Researchers can also submit their abstracts to conference organizers after submitting their articles to journals. As mentioned earlier, it is acceptable to present one’s submitted or published work at a conference.

The Process Of Submitting An Article/Abstract To A Conference

The ‘submission information’ page of a conference’s website describes the types of submissions and how one should submit their work to the conference. It provides information to help researchers through the entire process, right from submitting the abstract to preparing for the conference presentation.

The conference presentation selection committee will review all abstracts received by the publication deadline to ensure the submission is relevant to the conference. Notifications of abstract selection will be sent to the authors concerned. All papers are generally double-blind reviewed by conference committee members to ensure that standards have been maintained and – 

  • that the proposed topic of the submitted abstract has been followed, 
  • that the paper is of an appropriate length, 
  • that the level of English is adequate and the paper is referenced appropriately.

For non-native English-speaking researchers and authors whose mother tongue is not English, most conferences ask that they have their work proofread by a native English speaker (or at least a fluent English speaker) before submitting their papers. If researchers don’t have access to such suitable persons, they may want to consider opting for the conference’s proofreading services (which are offered by most high-profile conference organizers such as IFERP).

Articles may be rejected due to poor English level. All accepted papers will then be published in the conference proceedings, provided that at least one author completes the registration process (including payment). Checking out the registration section of the conference website for more information on registration helps in the smooth completion of this process. The conference proceedings are issues published with an ISBN and an ISSN.

If several articles are accepted for publication and presentation by the same author, each article necessitates a registration fee in order to be included in the conference proceedings. If an article is reviewed and accepted for the engineering college conference (with or without a request for modification) and an author does not register, an additional review fee may be charged. If an author is uncertain whether funding will be confirmed, they may have to request an extension of the article submission until this is confirmed, which will prevent a review fee from being levied.

Types Of Submission

This section offers information on the various types of submissions requested for review. 

  • University Research Papers

University research papers typically address one of the topics listed in the ‘call for papers’ issued by the conference organizers (for a particular conference that they’re organizing) in its entirety and can delve into a wide range of research methodologies, including empirical or theoretical studies. In addition, philosophical articles presenting a rationale and articles detailing a process that has been developed and is now ready for broader application are also considered. In any case, the underlying concepts and principles should be emphasized, with enough background information to guide any reader who is not an expert in the particular field of origin. The work must not have been published elsewhere and must not be intended for publication elsewhere during the review period.

  • Posters & Works-In-Progress

Veteran researchers are frequently invited to submit ongoing projects that are either at the proposal stage or in progress. As a first step, they must submit an abstract describing the project. If their abstract is selected, they will have the choice of producing a short article with a poster or an abstract only with a poster. If they opt for an article, it should not exceed two thousand words and should include everything from an abstract and keywords to references and adequate citations. This submission will then be double-blind peer-reviewed and, if accepted, will be chosen for publication in the conference proceedings. The presentation of the work at the international conference will be done so as a poster. Such posters will be on display for the duration of the conference, and there will be a time slot for contributors to stand next to their posters so that participants can come and discuss the research. Participants will then be invited to vote for the best poster, and a prize will be conferred on the poster that receives the most number of participants’ votes.

  • Doctoral Research Conference

Doctoral candidates are also invited to submit articles describing their research. Doctoral papers will be organized into a colloquium, and there will be a chair and a speaker to offer constructive feedback on the work. In order to be eligible for this, the work must be that of the doctoral student, and the article must be produced according to a publishable academic standard. Thesis supervisors can be co-authors, but the student must be the primary author and must present the article at the conference. Doctoral papers will be subject to the same criteria and process as research papers. However, the reviewers are aware that the article is doctoral research and the final results may not have been fully understood and interpreted. Awards will be conferred to the best doctoral papers presented at the event.

  • Case Study Submissions

Case study submissions have to be written in a manner that is compliant with publishing standards. Case studies are subject to the same set of criteria and processes as research articles.

  • Non-Academic Contributions

Most conferences also welcome contributions from individuals and organizations working in the field. These contributions can take the form of presentations or demonstrations. As a first step, an abstract must be submitted describing the work to be presented. If an abstract is selected, the author will be asked if they want to produce an article or just make a presentation. They will need to register for the conference in order to have a confirmed time slot.

  • Round Table Discussions

A lot of conferences encourage participants to submit their favorite topical subjects to be considered for deliberation by those who will be participating in the round table discussions. First, an abstract describing the proposed topic is generally submitted. If selected, the submitter will need to register to attend an international conference 2023, and then a time slot for the roundtable will be allocated suitably. 

  • Product Demonstrations & Exhibitor Opportunities

Those who intend on contributing to a conference in any of the above categories can also request the opportunity to demonstrate a product. If they would like to exhibit and or demonstrate a product at the conference, it is advisable that they request one of the exhibitor packages being offered to participants.

The Submission Process

  • Step #1 – Abstract Submission

Conferences require all those who wish to submit their work to the conference to submit an abstract describing the proposed article, work in progress, presentation, etc. Abstracts should be three hundred to three hundred and fifty words in length generally. The abstract submission forms provided by conferences will walk participants through the process, nevertheless, it is recommended that they read the ‘Call for Papers’ first to ensure they select the right lead and type of submission. They will find more details by visiting related pages on the conference website.

  • Step #2 – Article Submission 

Participants should receive emails informing them that their abstracts have been selected for submission as articles. These emails will confirm the submission date of their complete articles. It is crucial to note that these dates are generally final dates. Earlier submission is recommended as it helps the conference organizers/members of the editorial board of the conference to manage the review process in a timely manner. This is especially important if participants need a visa to attend the conference. Detailed below is a summary of what participants should consider when submitting their full articles, doctoral articles, or works-in-progress. Submissions that do not conform to the formatting guidelines specified by the conference are normally returned.

Publication Via Poster Submission 

Researchers who are presenting their work via a poster should remember that it is their responsibility to produce the posters and take them to the conferences that they are taking part in. Most conferences give away prizes for the best poster, so it’s worth taking the time to do a good job. Ideally, posters should be self-explanatory, making it possible for the viewers to proceed on their own while the presenter is free to add upon or discuss specific points raised by the viewers. Simple and clear presentations that contain a combination of text and graphics are recommended. 

Ideal Poster Layouts

Using a matte finish rather than glossy paper is recommended, as varying lighting in the room can cause reflections on glossy paper. Organizing the work in columns rather than rows makes it easier for viewers to follow. Introductions should be placed at the top left and a conclusion at the bottom right. Summaries do not need to be presented.

  • Illustrations

Figures have to be designed to be viewed from a distance and should employ distinct, easy-to-visualize graphics and large print. Every figure or table should have a title (one or two lines maximum). Any additional information (that has to be relayed) can be provided at the bottom of the poster in a legend. Photographs being used in the presentation have to have good contrast, sharp focus, and, if necessary, an indication of scale.

  • Text 

Minimizing the narrative is key and using large print in short, separate paragraphs helps viewers understand better. Numbered or bulleted lists help to convey a series of points effectively. Making entire paragraphs uppercase or bold is not recommended, neither is putting the entire paper on the poster as most viewers will stay long enough to read it.

  • Titles & Fonts

Titles and fonts should be short and easy to read, preferably in a sans serif font such as Arial. Using large print helps, as this means that a number of people can read the poster from a distance without crowding in front of the poster. Captioning posters with the title of the abstract, the names of the authors, and their affiliations is crucial.

  • Poster Size 

Posters as big as the standard A1 size are permitted by most international conferences. Using a format smaller than A1 is not recommended. 

  • Presentation Guidelines 

Those researchers who have had their posters accepted by the conference committee members and asked to present their work must remember to limit their presentations to twenty minutes. Powerpoint and Adobe tools are the most common tools made available to researchers to deliver their presentations. In order to keep a presentation short, crisp, concise, and engaging, limiting the presentation to 10 or fewer slides is recommended.

Getting A Conference Presentation Published As An Article In A SCOPUS Journal

Presenting one’s research in a high-profile international conference or symposium is a prestigious accomplishment. At international conferences, researchers present a review of their research and demonstrate how it contributes to the overall theme of the conference. Preparing a research presentation for a symposium is a major undertaking. However, after presenting the symposium papers, a lot of researchers move on to other ventures. All that remains of their efforts and contributions is a note on their resumes that they says they were speakers or presenters at a conference. Scientific content is lost in the memory of participants and the public. However, by publishing their conference-based research papers, researchers are creating a permanent record of their participation. Through the publishing of these presentations, they also reach a larger target audience than those who were physically present at the events that they spoke/presented at. To promote their publication record, it is good practice for researchers to put their spoken words in writing. With a little more effort, they can publish an article in a fast-publishing SCOPUS journal of their choice through the help of the conference organizers themselves.

What Is A Conference or Symposium-Bases Research Paper?

An international conference or symposium-based research article is a formal document that summarizes the information presented at a symposium at a conference or professional meeting. This is usually a mini-review of a research topic, especially that of a single author or principal investigator. Many journals publish research papers based on conferences. There are publishers specializing in these types of articles. However, the path to publication generally follows two forms – proceedings and independently submitted articles.

  • Conference Proceedings

International conference organizers sometimes decide to collectively publish the information presented at their events in the form of what is popularly referred to as conference proceedings. These conference proceedings report the content of the conference papers in a collection of articles that may occupy an entire journal edition. It is the sole responsibility of the organizers to solicit and collect the manuscripts of the speakers and to deliver them to the editor. The decision to publish these conference proceedings is usually taken before the conference is even held. Authors are usually informed at the time of invitation that they will need to produce a manuscript after the conclusion of the event. In such a case, conference organizers always schedule interviews with the final post in mind.

  • Independent Submissions

If the organizers of an international educational conference 2023 do not plan to publish any conference proceedings in a formal act, participants can still publish their presentations. In this case, they will be responsible for finding a suitable journal to submit their manuscripts to. Many journals, but not all, accept these types of articles. Some journals publish mini-journals which are a suitable format for their symposium-based research articles. If they are invited to participate in a symposium that the organizers do not plan to publish, they should start exploring how and where they can publish their presentation as they develop it by planning ahead. Basically, their articles will be a mini-review of a research topic. This is an excellent way to deepen their publishing history and reach a wider audience. Researchers should also note that it is considered unethical to submit a manuscript for publication prior to participating in a conference.

The Article Format For Both Conference Proceedings & Independent Submissions

The format will be determined by the journal to which a researcher is submitting their article. Unlike a normal journal, the conference or symposium-based research article is much shorter and limited in scope. The length of the article will be determined by the journal and normally ranges between three thousand and six thousand words. A researcher’s document should include tables and figures, where applicable. Typically, the document will follow a review format and have the following or similar sections – 

  • the Abstract,
  • the Introduction,
  • the Main body of topics (with titles and subtitles),
  • the Conclusion,
  • the References section.

Conference or symposium-based research papers are based on long, in-depth symposium papers, not typical ten-minute short journal articles given at academic events. These normally present a single experience or project which is often not completed or published. Researchers should always seek out and accept opportunities to participate in conferences. These are great ways to reach their audience and advance their careers. The conferences they attend are also opportunities that can lead to the publication of their work in any globally renowned SCOPUS indexed journal of their choice. As researchers develop their presentations, they should think about how to get publication opportunities out of their efforts. They should begin planning and writing their symposium-based research article even as they prepare for the presentations they are going to deliver at international conferences.