Virtual Conference 2020

Propelling The World Towards The Next Industrial Revolution – Robotics Design, IoT & AI

The fourth industrial revolution is the prevailing movement where disruptive technological trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous vehicles, blockchain technology, cloud computing, genomics, and social media are revolutionizing the way humans work and lead their lives. Different from the industrial revolutions of the past, these innovative technologies are combining rapidly to create an accelerated and perpetual cycle of almost limitless disruption. While previous industrial revolutions were often localized, the fourth industrial revolution is interconnected and global, and its impact is already becoming increasingly observable in homes and businesses across the world. The forthcoming ICRDASIA-2020 virtual conference is set to be one of the biggest educational conferences ever to be held on these specific topics, offering participants crucial insights into some of the biggest research studies being conducted across the globe, in these areas. 

  • Robotics & Automation

Robotics is a term coined to include all mechanical devices that are designed to perform a predefined operation or task. These feats of engineering are increasingly accompanied by advances in software, which allow computers to work, learn, and solve problems – a field of computing popularly known as artificial intelligence or AI. Collectively, both these technologies are transforming the way we perform tasks, analyze data, and make decisions.

Minimalizing The Need For Any Human Intervention

Contemporary technological progress in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting a range of industries from manufacturing to healthcare and defense to transportation. Robots are rapidly replacing human workers across various industries and offering businesses massive benefits in the form of improved efficiency, increased production, 24/7 operations, predictable quality of goods, and (in a post-COVID world ) less human-to-human interaction in the manufacturing process. 

Expanding The Scope Of What’s Possible

The military and emergency services are also likely to be important players in the robotics and automation industries, as drones, exoskeletons, and other technologies are increasingly used to replace or supplement human military personnel and emergency workers in hazardous situations. Few realize how limited the scope of human surveillance is when compared to what some of the most advanced robots are capable of. In fact, a Japanese factory has been operating in “off” mode for over 15 years, which means there are no human factory workers involved in its operations whatsoever.

Automated facilities like the one mentioned above have the capability of making everything from electric razors to other robots. In addition, advances in AI allow computers to perform complex tasks relying on various sets of data and inputs. For instance, IBM’s Watson computer is now able to generate reels of sports highlights by analyzing crowd noise and player gestures. Combining the mechanical capabilities of robotics with the intelligence-gathering capabilities of AI has resulted in machines capable of cleaning, cooking, driving, and guarding among other human-like tasks. 

Once unleashed, this technology will be impossible to put back into the box and robot / AI combinations arise to replace many repetitive, dangerous, and menial tasks in industry and our daily lives.

Potential Robotic Applications 

Robotics and AI are such trending topics of discussion today because of the fact that they help solve a host of problems resulting from aging populations, rising labor costs, and the need for quality improvement. If you’re someone who is involved in the field of robotics research and development and has made some profound discoveries in this area, then you might want to sign up for paper submission at the forthcoming ICRDASIA-2020 virtual conference. Some of the areas in which robotics solutions likely to become quite common include – 

  • Aging Populations

Fewer people to produce goods and services, more economic dependents, increased health care needs are crises that many countries across the globe are facing today. Salaries in China and emerging countries are becoming more and more expensive. Performance improvements minus robots that are more precise and faster than humans equals less waste, higher throughput, and better quality. 

  • Elevating Productivity Levels Across The Spectrum

Robots and AI are the engines of improved productivity. Using these technologies can produce faster and better results without cognitive and physical barriers. The adoption of robotics in countries like South Korea, Japan, Germany, China, and the United States is expected to increase productivity by up to 30% by 2025. Part of the sudden rise in the integration of robotics and automation in manufacturing can be attributed to the lack of adequate talent possessing advanced skill sets.

  • Increasing Costs Of Labor Globally

According to a survey conducted by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute, as many as 2.4 million manufacturing jobs will be left vacant over the next decade due to poorly trained workers as well as a dearth of individuals interested in pursuing careers in manufacturing. Labor costs are expensive and rising which is hurting industries like manufacturing. While offshoring helps, many companies find robots to be even more profitable. An analysis found that offshoring jobs could save a company around 65% on labor costs while replacing workers with robots could save around 90%.

  • Cheapening Costs Of Production

Production increases dramatically as robots become cheaper to produce. The cost of industrial robotics is expected to drop to average levels of just $20,000 per robot – converging with the cost of an average manufacturing worker. As the economic case for robotics workers becomes more compelling, the industry is expected to grow by 10% per year, reaching $83 billion within a few years. 

  • Taking The Healthcare Sector By Storm

In healthcare, robots are also transforming the pace, precision, and performance of services being dispensed. IBM Watson’s supercomputer already has 90% diagnostic accuracy for lung cancer compared to 50% of doctors. More than 5,000 Da Vinci surgical robots in hospitals around the world have helped perform over one million operations. As the population ages, the demand for rapid and accurate diagnostics, coupled with modern treatments for a variety of illnesses and diseases, is likely to increase along with the demand for healthcare trackers, robotic nursing assistants, robotic surgeons, and new medical devices.

  • Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is already with us in the form of digital assistants and self-driving cars, but the power of computers to learn and solve problems has applications for all sectors. Analysts predict the global AI market to touch a whopping $400.2 billion by 2027.

Industries That Are Embracing AI

  • Manufacturing

Factories will increasingly use industrial robots which are becoming cheaper by the day. Supply chains are also undergoing a transformation as they are beginning to be managed more and more by intelligent ordering and inventory management systems.

  • Military & Defense

Drones, autonomous weapons, threat analysis, intelligence gathering are revolutionizing the defense sector.

  • Medicine

Biotechnology and genomics, remote generalists, health trackers, AI diagnostics, and personalized drugs are only some of the applications of AI in medicine. As seen already, IBM’s Watson supercomputer is exceeding human capabilities in terms of accurately diagnosing lung cancer.

  • Transportation

Autonomous cars are already appearing on the streets of some developed countries. By 2030, self-driving cars could represent up to 15% of passenger vehicles sold worldwide. The upcoming ICRDASIA-2020 virtual conference will have sessions dedicated to disseminating more information on all the most recent trends and developments in self-driving car technology and other kinds of autonomous vehicles. 

  • Agriculture 

The application of AI in agriculture has led to new ways to analyze soil, irrigation and crop yields, robotic and smart harvesting greenhouses/barns, and plenty more.

  • Finance

The financial industry is at the forefront of advances in AI as financial technology (FinTech), with the introduction of robot-advisers that can create and manage personalized portfolios for investors.

The sheer number of real-world applications is far too many to list and detail in this article. Artificial intelligence could elevate the global annual gross domestic product growth for at least the next decade, ushering in tons of additional global economic activity in the coming years. Are you a researcher involved in researching various aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning? Then, you might want to take full advantage of the incredible journal and publication opportunities that you will have access to at the ICRDASIA-2020 virtual conference. 

  • Internet of Things (IoT)

For many, the fourth industrial revolution is mostly about the Internet of Things (IoT). If one thinks back to the dark and distant past of the third industrial revolution, which focused on information technology and digitization, applications were about people or IT processes that communicated. However, now, it is machines and devices that are communicating, constantly, and in ever greater numbers. The promise of a real-time business where organizations have the capacity to respond instantly to all needs and every demand of their customers is finally becoming a reality.

Changing Business Models

Businesses especially those belonging to or involved in some manner with the manufacturing sector, are beginning to believe that the fourth industrial revolution, and IoT in particular, is making it possible for them to elevate their business models from just selling products to also providing managed services. The ICRDASIA-2020 virtual conference, which is a highly anticipated upcoming conference 2020 especially for those involved in the disciplines of science, technology, and engineering, will delve deeper into this aspect of IoT and the fourth industrial revolution.

The Crucial Role Of Wireless Networks

Digital transformation is opening up new opportunities for organizations by transforming costs, improving customer experiences, driving operational efficiencies, and creating new business models. The wireless networking systems in play will be fundamental to the success of digital businesses. Only wireless networks can bring together this choice of services and deliver the performance and great user experience that consumers will begin to demand increasingly. But the wireless networks we rely on today must evolve to be efficient enough to support this digital future. The latest dynamic wireless networking technologies will have sufficient built-in intelligence and reach to provide organizations with a vision of flexibility, adaptability, and control – not to mention faster deployment.

Dynamic distributed wireless networks that are made possible through the widespread adoption of IoT, will be an essential ingredient in bringing the fourth industrial revolution to fruition. 

Having become aware of all the immense possibilities that the adoption of AI, robotics, IoT, and wireless networks, are you now eager to delve deeper into what the future holds for all these technologies and the fourth industrial revolution, in general? Then you might want to register this conference called the ICRDASIA-2020 virtual conference, which is set to place from the 26th to the 28th of November, 2020.