How to find best Scopus indexed journals 2023
March 27, 2020
One of the best ways for a researcher, academic or student to raise awareness about their work and make their research findings as well as exploratory outcomes known to the world at large, is to have their work published in journals. This is because journals are read by millions of people across the world (both those who are involved in conducting research themselves and industry professionals and entrepreneurs who are always on the lookout for promising research undertakings and ventures to fund).
Albeit, it is not enough that a researcher gets his/her published in any journal. The journal that they have chosen to have their research published in must be one of repute in the academic world. This is because getting one’s work published in a journal that is not respected or recognized in the academic world can lead to –
- their loss of reputation,
- them losing their credibility,
- lose of rights to the outcomes of the publication,
- lack of any recognition as a result of being published (because the journal does not have a widespread subscriber base), as well as,
- other complications.
For those who are eager to elevate their standing as well as reputations in their respective fields by getting their pioneering and advanced research findings/outcomes/results published in top Scopus publications but do not know where to find a list of Scopus indexed journals, the steps listed below should help them find out all the top and most relevant journals/publications pertinent to their specializations.
- Consult Other Authors
- Although not a very dependable way for one to find out Scopus indexed journals 2023 in his/her respective specialization, consulting other authors who are recognized in the extended academic community, as well as respected authors, might prove to work out.
- When doing so, however, it is important that you do so only from authors who are –
- well established and recognized within the community of your respective specializations,
- authors of research papers that are cited in other popular journals/publications,
- having numerous papers published in popular Scopus indexed journals, and
- involved in your respective domain or discipline.
- This is because only such authors are likely to offer you information on journals that is the most relevant to your respective field/domain of study.
- Also, those with a portfolio of published papers and articles across various journals and publications are more inclined to know about prominent and well-respected Scopus indexed journals to have your work published in.
- These people, being experienced researchers and authors who are respected and looked up to by millions of professionals across the globe, are also likely to refer you to these Scopus indexed journals and place in a good word about you with them.
- As a result, these journals might themselves get in touch with you in order to get you to publish their work in their journals instead you having to seek them out.
- Inquire Of Your Peers & Superiors
- Another method that assists those who wish to have their research papers published in prominent Scopus indexed journals is to ask their colleagues within the field if they are aware of any Scopus indexed journals.
- Inquiring of peers and superiors and finding out if they know about such journals is one of the best ways to have your research papers published in a prominent Scopus journal.
- One other added benefit of inquiring of one’s peers is that they may also have contacts within the world of Scopus indexed journals who are likely to prefer you over other researchers who might use the traditional method of submitting their research papers to such Scopus indexed journals.
- Asking one’s superiors is also a great way to find out about journals that are listed in the Scopus index, as such people are likely to possess more experience in top journals for young and budding researchers to publish their research papers in.
- While making such inquiries, however, it is important to keep a few things in mind including making sure to –
- ask only peers and colleagues who are involved in the same discipline as you are,
- asking only those whom you trust, respect and recognize as purveyors of accurate information, and
- relay your exact thoughts precisely when doing so.
- Get In Touch With Your Department
- Department officials and heads are bound to offer researchers the necessary information that they need about where to acquire listings of Scopus indexed journals in their respective fields of specialization.
- This is owing to the fact that such officials who are engaged either in administrative or academic capacities at the departments of universities and colleges are often approached by such journals for subscription purposes.
- Many colleges and universities also have tie-ups with top Scopus indexed journals making it possible for the researchers, academics, scientists, educators, and students engaged, studying or carrying out research in these institutions to be able to directly avail publication opportunities.
- Such tie-ups help all the researchers, academics and students from these universities in avoiding any necessity to stress themselves about finding and searching for prominent Scopus indexed journals.
- Check Out The Scopus Website
- Perhaps one of the best places to look for Scopus indexed journals in one’s field is on the Scopus website, which is the official website.
- The Scopus website is where all information pertaining to the largest database of abstracts, journals, publications and research papers in the globe.
- If you are looking for a reliable and world-renowned journal to have your research work published in then perhaps the best way for you to go about doing so is from a journal that is listed by Scopus in its journal index.
- The reason why Scopus indexed journals are so very trusted and sought-after by the global academic community is because of the fact that each and every journal/publication that is indexed by the organization is vetted for its accuracy, credibility, recognition in the global community and more.
- All one has to do to search for journals that are indexed from by Scopus is to head over to the Scopus website and then follow the instructions below –
- look for the search box present on the website,
- enter in the name of a journal that you are aware of (to see if that particular journal is indexed by Scopus),
- or enter in a field or discipline as the search term (to search for all the indexed journals that are pertinent to these particular fields and disciplines).
- Try Using Google Scholar
- Although all the journals/publications that one finds on Google Scholar are not necessarily indexed by Scopus, they can be used in conjunction with the Scopus website.
- All one has to do is to search for prominent journals and publications within their respective fields/disciplines on Google Scholar and then proceed to cross-check these journals and publications on the Scopus website to see if they are indexed.
- This is a great method for those who are completely unaware of where to begin and for those who cannot make use of any of the above-mentioned methods.
- Following this method will help someone who wished to have their research work published in a Scopus publication but does not know where to begin or have the slightest idea about how to go about doing so, to acquire a reliable method of –
- discovering,
- identifying, and
- forming,
their own list of Scopus indexed journals, that are relevant to their respective field/discipline of study.
- Even prominent domain authorities and experts these days make use of this method to search for Scopus indexed journals pertinent to their specializations.
- Partake In High-Level Academic Conferences Or Refer Their Website
- Academic conferences, seminars, symposiums, lectures, and other such academic events that are of the highest level are often associated with top Scopus indexed journals.
- This is to make it easier for all the delegates and attendees who choose to present their research work at these conferences to be easily able to do so.
- However, if you are someone who is depending solely on academic conferences to get their research work published in Scopus indexed journals, then it is important that you make sure that –
- your research paper is well-formulated,
- contains accurate and reliable research findings/outcomes,
- you present your paper in the right manner,
- deliver your lecture in the best manner possible,
- make the best impression with your colleagues, superiors, and peers,
- perform to the best of your abilities.
- The key to getting one’s research paper and work published by the Scopus indexed journals that are associated with an international conference 2023 that they are planning on taking part in is to take full advantage of the numerous opportunities that are available, including –
- paper submission opportunities,
- abstract submission chances,
- opportunities to deliver presentations/lectures, etc.
- Another thing for those who are relying solely on academic conferences as well as their websites to have their research work published in prominent Scopus indexed journals is to make sure that these conferences –
- are high-level academic events,
- attended by prominent experts/domain authorities,
- offer numerous opportunities for delegates to present their work,
- have tie-ups with recognized Scopus indexed journals/publications.
Following any one of the above-mentioned steps should assist all those looking for 2023 Scopus indexed journals to be easily able to do so. Playing close attention to the details should help any researcher, scientist, academic, and student to discover Scopus indexed journals that will help them raise awareness of their research work and gain prominence within their own research specializations and domains.
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