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MediaInnovate: Pioneering the Future
of Global Communication

Theme: “Innovations and Breakthroughs in Mass Communication and Media Technologies”

Organized by : Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP)
Conference Date
27th-28th December,2024
Conference Venue
Colombo,Sri Lanka
Call:(+91)76694 09022
Press 1 (For International Conferences with Journal Publications)

Welcome to the Media Innovate Conference

Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP) invites you to the MediaInnovate: Pioneering the Future of Global Communication Conference in Colombo, Sri Lanka. This international conference on media provides a global platform to academics, researchers, scholars, and professionals from universities, research institutes, and industries across the globe, working on topics related to innovations in media, the role of media, mass communication, AI in media industry, power of independent media, and more.
Under the theme of "Innovations and Breakthroughs in Mass Communication and Media Technologies" , the MediaInnovative conference is dedicated to sharing the latest knowledge, discoveries, and innovative ideas in the field of mass communication with participants. It is an excellent opportunity for expert researchers to discover, publish in top-indexed journals, and get inspiration from experiences shared by industry experts, keynote speakers, and session speakers.

Purpose of the Conference

MediaInnovative conference's core purpose is to globally foster critical thinking and its effective utilization in the field of mass communication by providing means to communicate and network among various people motivated by similar interests. The international engineering conference seeks to facilitate meaningful discussions on current issues, trends, and challenges in the media profession. By bringing together experts from around the world, the conference aims to foster a deeper understanding of the subject and inspire new ideas. Also, it will provide opportunities for professionals to connect, collaborate, and build partnerships within the media industry ecosystem.

Objective of the Conference

The ultimate goal is to contribute to conceptual and theoretical developments of media in different areas and regions. At the core of MediaInnovate: Pioneering the Future of Global Communication lies the ambitious objective of promoting the powers of media and discussing the current challenges as well as the future scope of global communication. This media conference in Shri Lanka will offer a global opportunity for knowledge exchange, collaboration, paper submissions, networking, and innovation. It will feature workshops, seminars, and keynote presentations that offer valuable learning experiences and skill-development opportunities to attendees from media backgrounds.

The MediaInnovate: Pioneering the Future of Global Communication Conference Aims To Actively Contribute To The Achievement Of The Following Goals On The International Level:

Enhance international cooperation

Provide opportunities for networking

Economic growth

Scholars help

New learnings

Contribute to technological advancements

Promoting the exchange of ideas

Knowledge sharing

Important Dates

Early Bird Registration Deadline

27th July 2024

Abstract submission Deadline

12th August 2024

Full paper submission deadline

26th August 2024

Final Registration Deadline

10th September 2024

Features of the Conference

Join us at this international MediaInnovate conference to expand your horizons and gain insights into global perspectives!

MediaInnovate: could actively contribute to the SDGs:

That's an admirable objective! Aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscores a commitment to global sustainability and societal well-being. Here are potential ways in which the MediaInnovate-2024 could actively contribute to the SDGs:

Goal 4: Quality Education:

Emphasize the role of education in advancing knowledge and technology for sustainable development.

Showcase initiatives and research contributing to innovative and effective educational practices.

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy:

Highlight research and innovations promoting sustainable energy solutions in engineering and technology.

Discuss advancements in clean energy technologies and their impact on environmental sustainability.

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure:

Showcase multidisciplinary research driving innovation in engineering and technological infrastructure.

Explore how advancements in these fields can contribute to economic growth and sustainability.

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities:

Discuss urban engineering solutions that contribute to sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities.

Address the role of technology in building smarter, more efficient urban environments.

Goal 13: Climate Action:

Feature research and initiatives addressing climate change challenges through engineering and technological innovations.

Discuss sustainable practices in industries that contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals:

Foster collaborations and partnerships among researchers, professionals, and industries.

Encourage interdisciplinary approaches to address complex global challenges.

By actively aligning the conference with these Sustainable Development Goals, MediaInnovate-2024 can contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive future through the dissemination of knowledge, collaboration, and innovative solutions.

Proceedings & Publications

Note : MediaInnovate-2024 proceedings series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI) and to SCOPUS for evaluation and indexing (T&C)*.

Why attend Conference?

New Learnings
Academic sessions, panel discussions, paper presentations, interactive workshops, and Q&A sessions give you a chance to learn new things from experts, keynote speakers, and session speakers.
Publication Opportunities
Selected papers will get a chance to be published in top-rated journals such as Scopus, DOAJ, Web of Science, and more.
Strengthen Presentation Skills
Presenting your findings at MediaInnovate - 2024 helps you to develop and polish your presentation skills, which boosts your confidence for future research as a researcher or scholar.
Meet experts for collaborative research
The conference brings together professionals, researchers, and experts in a specific field. Networking with these individuals can help you connect with potential collaborators, mentors, and editors.
Lifetime Access to Research Presentations
Offering a lifelong opportunity means that individuals, once granted access, can continue to benefit from and view research presentations indefinitely. This provides ongoing access to valuable content without time limitations.

Session Tracks

Essential Downloads

Conference Brochure
Conference Poster
Sample Abstracts
Sample Full Paper
Conference Registration Form
Conference PPT

Subscribe To Get Updates


Join us in shaping the future of knowledge advancement! We're inviting enthusiastic volunteers to be an integral part of the MediaInnovate: Pioneering the Future of Global Communication (MediaInnovate-2024) in Colombo,Sri Lanka, on december 27th & 28th, 2024. Be part of a global community driving innovation and collaboration.

IFERP Scholarship Program

Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP), we are committed to fostering knowledge dissemination, fostering scholarly excellence, and fostering the professional development of our members. We firmly believe that access to our conferences and engagement in the global academic community should be inclusive and equitable. In line with this ethos, we have initiated a scholarship program designed to alleviate financial constraints for scholars, researchers, and students across the globe. Our Scholarship Program for conference registration fees underscores our dedication to making this vision a tangible opportunity for all.

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