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About Conference

The International Association of Oncology is excited to announce “Asia Pacific Cancer Congress” Conference is scheduled on 06th – 07th December 2021 in Maldives. The Organizing Committee of Oncology genially invites all the specialists, academicians, understudies and business experts in the field of Cancer medicine and Oncology from various parts of the world to take an interest in the upcoming Oncology 2021 gathering.

Widely acclaimed researchers, Noble laureates and researchers in their particular fields join our occasions as keynote speakers, board specialists, and arranging panel individuals.In this conference event, participants will also receive Knowledge on areas of oncology, cancer metabolism, cancer diagnosis and treatments that are largely unexplored and require further delving into. This will offer those who are eagerly in the pursuit of challenging research topics, adequate fodder for them to study, and conduct experiments. On Additionally, seeing this event is taking place in Maldives, it will also give attendees numerous opportunities to thoroughly soak in the culture and extravagance of this remarkable city.

Apply for Committee Members

APCC invites eminent profiles from medical and clinical oncology departments to join the organizing committee and contribute their expertise in making this a grant success.

Join us to create a cancer free world!

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Apply for Speakers

APCC invites renowned speakers from across the globe specialized in oncology to discuss the Research & Innovation in Clinical & Medical Oncology on a global platform.

Why wait? Apply now!!

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Abstract & Full Paper Submissions

APCC will be discussing recent research & innovation in the field of clinical & medical oncology. The conference invites research papers in the field of oncology to discuss on a global platform.

Submit your paper now!

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Theme of the Conference

The theme of the Oncology conference revolves around “Precision Cancer Medicine and Oncology” which will take place on the 06th – 07th December 2021, in Maldives .Precision medicine allows doctors to select treatments that are most likely to help patients based on a genetic understanding of their disease.This Conference has an overall intention of gathering young researchers,students, and academicians from across the globe, who are working in the fields of Oncology and Cancer Care. To share their expertise and experience in the latest and most advances being made in precision cancer medicine and oncology. This conference essentially incorporates a spectrum of issues that are influencing cancer science as well as other associated sectors of research. These new discoveries and exhibitions will help to build the fundamental understanding of all delegates present at the event. The event is focused on strengthening ties between researchers and entrepreneurs from the business world to better and more efficiently tackle the disease.

  • Oncologists
  • Breast cancer specialists
  • Academic scientists
  • Research faculty
  • Students
  • Health care professionals
  • Public prosperity specialists
  • Scientists
  • Academic analysts
  • Industry authorities
  • Scholars in the field of Oncology, Hematology, Nursing, Radiology

meet our great speakers


Organizing Secretary Message

Hi Friends and Colleagues,

Prof (Dr). Ghanshyam Biswas

Organizing secretary | Indo Oncology -21

Executive Director, Sparsh Hospital

Consultant Medical Oncology

The horrifying “Fani” even could not stop us from rebuilding Odisha again and restoring life back to normalcy. This start of winter (November 15th to 17th) we will be back again with the scientific feast in oncology.

The apt theme for this Indo Oncology summit 2.0 (2019) being “Conquering cancer Together” will be an effort to bring all stakeholders on one platform. The blend of basic scientists, researchers, and geneticists besides all in the clinical domain will be the flavour of this congress.

Geneticists besides all in the clinical domain will be the flavour of this congress. Let us join hands and prepare for another successful scientific bonanza. We will once again cherish your good time with us and make this an annual oncology festive in the land of Jagganath. Hopefully, you will block your calendar and grace this conference with your presence and active participation.

Thanking You

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Conference Brochure

Click here to get to know the complete program details of APCC, 2021

Conference Poster

Download the APCC,2021 Poster now!

Registration Form

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Sample Abstract

APCC presenters are requested to download the abstract template and submit online.

Sample Full Paper

Papers presented at APCC will be published in reputed highly indexed journals. Download the template.

Sample PPT

Are you confused on how to prepare the presentation? Don’t worry! Click here to download the sample PPT!

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