Event Speaker

Dr. Pratima Khandelwal

Founder FlyHigh (Educational Excellence Services) and Professor of Practice
Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
RUAS, Bengaluru, India

Points to be discussed

  • Knowing oneself
  • SWOT analysis
  • Bearing emotional intelligence
  • Developing right Skillsets and positive attitude

About Youth Empowerment Program on "Confidence Building"

Confidence-building involves the process of building individuals' self-assurance, belief in their abilities, and positive self-imaging. It is crucial to personal development and success in a variety of spheres of life, such as interpersonal relationships, career pursuits, and general well-being. Building confidence requires both internal and external labor, and it can be done in a number of ways.

Discover the endless benefits of self-assurance and confidence with IFERP's Youth Empowerment Program on "Confidence Building." This inspirational webinar aims to give young people the self-assurance they need to overcome obstacles, accomplish their objectives, and succeed in all facets of life. Are you prepared to realize all of your potential? Come on over and join us!

Our mentors are accomplished professionals and motivational speakers who are aware of the difficulties facing today's youngsters. They offer personalized direction, enabling each participant to set off on a path of personal progress.


  • To get connected with professionals all across the globe.
  • Great Way of Networking.
  • Great Source of Knowledge & Upskilling.
  • Research assistance will be provided in all fields.
  • Learning From Industry Experts.

Who Should attend our live Youth Empowerment Program?

Research scholars






Features of the Youth Empowerment Program

Sharing video and presentation

Prepare your shared video ahead of time and click on the presentation media menu.


A whiteboard is interactive and easy to use when you need to outline the steps to be used in making a presentation.

Desktop sharing

Click the Share Screen button located in your meeting tool bar. Select the screen you want to share.


Participants use the Chat feature in a webinar, to ask questions.


To record a live webinar, start your session and then click Start Recording (on Windows), or Record (on Mac).

Advantages Of Youth Empowerment Program

Youth Empowerment Program are convenient for both presenters and attendees. This is why the format is becoming more and more popular every year.

Youth Empowerment Program make holding conferences and meetings possible at any time and place. Anyone can participate in a Youth Empowerment Program without leaving work or just while staying at home, on a business trip or vacation.

IFERP Institutional Partners